Marilyn "Maggie" Resnick, Retired Teacher

In Maggie's Words

I always wanted to be a teacher. Maggie was born in Boston and moved to Connecticut at the age of about 4. Teaching was her childhood dream.

I was a mother for eight years, and then I became a teacher for 30 years. I was able to go to college, thank God, and my parents wanted me to.

I loved teaching. My kids always loved me and I really liked that and I met families through the children. I really enjoyed it.

I asked about the quote from Cicero: “Nature has circumscribed the field of life within small dimensions, but has left the field of glory unmeasured.”

My immediate thought is it has limited my potential, properly, because I would never move away from my family. I was happy working close by. I don’t think I would do anything that would take me away from them.

Maggie grew up and worked in the same Connecticut town, about a half-hour drive from where she lives now. Family is her field of glory, her dream, which she is living.

I don’t know if that’s good or bad — mostly it was good. I had four siblings. It was a hard time for my Mom and Dad. I’m surprised they had that many children, because it was a hard time then.

My Dad owned a restaurant. My Mom worked there, and I babysat and cleaned and cooked at home. I didn’t like it much at the time, but I can appreciate it now.

My older brother went on to college and I remained keeper of the kids for a long time. I was in high school, and I couldn’t do many things after school because I had to go home and take care of the kids. It was a lot of work for me, but I understood it as I got older.

I was a happy person. I had wonderful parents. They worked hard. It turned out fine for all of us, I guess.

Where would she live now if she could live anywhere she wanted?

Anywhere my family was. That’s okay, right?

[We are very sad to report that Maggie Resnick died, at her home, in May 2024. May her memory be a blessing.]

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