Born on a Ledge (Drama)
Connor Minton. Struggling to graduate from a Catholic high school. NYC accent. 19.
Agnes Malloy. Connor's mother. Irish accent. Immigrated at age 24, widowed at 42, remarried the next year. She is 53.
Michael Malloy. Connor's step-father, Agnes's second husband. Irish accent. 52.
The kitchen of the Malloy home, a stuffy basement apartment in Jackson Heights, N.Y., mid-July 1984. There is a door that leads up stairs to the street and another to a tiny hall with two cramped bedrooms and a small water closet.
Dawn has recently broken. The growing light shows through a window that looks out onto a small courtyard next to the steps that lead up to the sidewalk. CONNOR and AGNES sit at a table that is littered with folders and sheets of paper.
CONNOR jumps up, pounds the table.
CONNOR Dammit, Mother, my day has begun! Get off my back!
AGNES You've been up all night, haven't you, and likely the night before that. Am I right? Another spell? You only call me "Mother" when you're having one.
CONNOR I was getting some school work done.
AGNES Your deadline has passed, Connor! You'll have to repeat the term, if they let you.
CONNOR I'm their best student!
AGNES Well, perhaps they'll give you one more go at it. How long have you been awake?
CONNOR I'm going through my notes!
AGNES At least neaten the table. Your step-father will be home soon.
CONNOR glares at his mother and begins angrily stuffing papers into folders.
CONNOR Math goes in here, history, here.
AGNES I can visit St. Joan's on Monday. Brother Lucian should be there to tell me what's up.
CONNOR Latin. Latin?! Shit! No folder for the Latin!
AGNES Connor, watch your language–
CONNOR –English goes in here, more English in here, and more history goes ... ah, right here. More math? In here, with all the rest of the math. Need to study math. Study.
AGNES Connor, take a breath!
CONNOR More English in here, and more Latin?! So much Latin! Still no folder – Make a folder for Latin! But where'd I put all the rest?
AGNES Calm down!
CONNOR Where'd I put the rest of the goddamn Latin?! With the English? I'll have to set it aside!
AGNES Connor, for the love of–
CONNOR –Shit! More math goes in here, with more math – More Latin? More Latin?! I've had it with fuckin' Latin, and math!
AGNES. Language!
CONNOR. English goes in here, and so does all the Latin. Still no folder for Latin! And more math? Right here. More history goes in here. Fuck, I'm sick of all //this shit–
AGNES slaps CONNOR on the face.
AGNES –Stop!!
Long beat.
CONNOR angrily stacks everything on top of a folder, slides it all into the garbage, stomps toward his bedroom. AGNES is crying quietly as MICHAEL enters. He slams his lunchbox on the kitchen counter.
MICHAEL. Crying again?!
MICHAEL opens the refrigerator, grabs a can of beer, opens it, takes a deep drink, belches.
MICHAEL. What'd he do this time?
AGNES. I slapped him. I had to!
MICHAEL. For chrissake, Agnes!
AGNES. Language, Michael! I had to tell him that, too. But you should know better than to–.
MICHAEL. –I'll watch my own goddamn language!
AGNES. Set an example for him, Michael, please?
MICHAEL. Chrissake, Agnes, he don't follow examples.
CONNOR enters from the bedroom hallway, unseen by MICHAEL.
MICHAEL He just needs to apply himself, work harder, quit his feckin' made-up spells–
CONNOR (Affecting an Irish accent) Oh shite and onions! Now everybody's home!
CONNOR turns to return to his bedroom.
MICHAEL. Stand right there!
CONNOR freezes, facing the hallway door.
AGNES. Michael, be kind, please?
MICHAEL. Kind my arse!
CONNOR. Your arse kind?
MICHAEL. Watch your mouth, boy! Don't act like that in front of your mother!
AGNES. Michael! He's having a spell!
MICHAEL. What'd you do to your poor mother?!
CONNOR turns to confront MICHAEL.
CONNOR. Not a goddamn thing!
AGNES. He's all wound up, Michael! Be easy.
MICHAEL. She was crying!
AGNES. Only a bit ...
CONNOR. Just a bit, Michael!
MICHAEL Don't you call me by my Christian name! I'm Father in my house!
CONNOR. Not my father, not my house! I'm no Malloy, buddy!
CONNOR runs to his bedroom, jumping and hooting.
MICHAEL No goddamn respect for his Father!
AGNES. Step-father, Michael. He's my son. And Matthew's, may he rest in peace.
CONNOR emerges and runs outside. MICHAEL tries to cuff him.
MICHAEL. No goddamn Mintons in my house!
Two hours later. AGNES sits at the table. MICHAEL is pacing, drinking a can of beer.
AGNES Last time you chased him away he was gone two days.
MICHAEL I did not chase him away! The boy's got no respect!
AGNES I may just go looking for him.
MICHAEL You will not! The kid'll be back when he gets good and hungry.
AGNES He won't be a child for long, Michael! You can't just tell him–
MICHAEL winds up as though he is going to hit AGNES backhanded. She cringes.
MICHAEL Keep your thoughts to yourself, woman! He knows what's right. He just don't do it! Apply himself!
AGNES You've been after him since his last spell. It's not up to him, how he is! You think he chose that? He may show no respect to you, but he certainly has feelings, and you bring them all up to the top. You can get angry, but for the love of– just forgive him his spells!
MICHAEL He's not a feckin' witch, for chrissake – just spoiled, lazy, no respect. You spoiled him, Agnes, and you're the one that hit him! I never touched the boy!
AGNES I saw you swing at him!
MICHAEL This is tiresome, Agnes. What say you make me some breakfast?
MICHAEL tosses the empty beer can into the trash and gets another, opens it, takes a deep drink, belches. AGNES gathers food for breakfast, putting it all on the counter.
MICHAEL That's a girl.
MICHAEL smacks AGNES on the ass, hard, and winks at her when she winces.
You'll feel better after some breakfast and a tea. And some lovin'!
AGNES fills a kettle with water and places it on the stove, along with an iron skillet. The wall phone rings. MICHAEL answers it.
MICHAEL (On the phone) Malloy here ... Hello? ... I know that's you, you little shit! Say something! ... Are you hungry yet? ... Come on home and settle things straight up with your mother! ... Damn you!
MICHAEL hangs up roughly.
MICHAEL He cursed me and hung up! Your son cursed me!
AGNES Breakfast will be soon, Michael.
Noon. AGNES stands at the refrigerator, gathering food for sandwiches. MICHAEL is seated, slumped over the kitchen table, sound asleep — or passed out.
AGNES (Thoughtful, quiet) I just don't understand you, Michael Malloy. You're so full of anger for poor Connor, though he has never chose to be the way he is. Never would, I'm sure of it.
AGNES starts assembling a sandwich.
AGNES But you're still after him to behave and to respect you, when you disrespect him so awful, and his spells, too. It don't seem fair, to tell him there are no Mintons in this home! That's disrespecting both of us. He's a Minton, through and through, and I would be still, too, if poor Matthew hadn't passed ...
AGNES pauses and crosses herself.
... may he rest in peace. Maybe that's what got Connor started on his spells. He was only nine when Matthew passed. Is it in his heart or his head, his moods?
AGNES puts the sandwich in front of MICHAEL, along with an unopened beer.
AGNES (Laughs) Good lord, you can sleep through it all, can't you. I could be dancing naked and telling you all my secrets and you wouldn't hear a thing nor see anything! Not that I have secrets that would catch your interest. All my secrets are about Matthew as a husband and Connor as a child and you don't care about either one of them. Connor's no child anymore. He's about grown and now he's out in the world trying to calm himself so he can come home without that terrible burden he carries.
MICHAEL snorts, stirs, falls back asleep.
AGNES Ah, so you may be listening after all. Well, then listen to this: I do love you, Mr. Malloy, but I must love my son more. He's my baby, you're my husband.
AGNES You'd do well to be kinder to Connor, show him some affection, instead of nothin' but authority. He's a good child – almost an adult now, but always a child in my heart.
AGNES covers MICHAEL'S plate and puts it in the refrigerator, along with the unopened beer.
AGNES You can get that back whenever you want it.
AGNES sits across from MICHAEL.
AGNES Lord knows, you've already got half a snoot full. Probably why you're sleeping so sound right now. I'm grateful that poor Connor hasn't taken up drink. He's already full of disquiet. Already wound up enough when he's in one of his spells.
AGNES stands and goes to the courtyard window.
AGNES My tree looks pretty good today, Michael ... Really, she is my tree, after all the time I spend watching her. I think trees have to be "her," with all their sheltering. That would be a woman to do that.
AGNES leans over at the window.
AGNES Poor Cara. Her tomatoes don't look so strong. They don't get much sun, poor things. That just ain't the place for tomatoes, in that little bit of sun that reaches down there in the middle of the day. I wonder if that's maybe why I don't have enough strength for all of this, because the sun don't get down to me but in the middle of the day.
AGNES returns to the table.
AGNES You go now, get your rest, be strong when you wake. I'm going to pray for Connor and his safe return to me.
AGNES walks toward the bedrooms, and pauses.
AGNES Or to you, poor child.
Dinnertime. AGNES is at the stove with a pot of boiling potatoes and hamburgers in a skillet. CONNOR opens the foyer door and peers in.
AGNES Your stepfather is out tonight. Invited to cards.
CONNOR walks in gingerly.
AGNES Well, you're home.
CONNOR Dinnertime.
AGNES Don't tell that to Michael. He said you would come around when you got hungry.
CONNOR I'm not hungry. Just didn't want to miss dinnertime. Sit down with my family. You know how it is!
AGNES Say what you will, he is your stepfather and you should show him some respect.
CONNOR Like he shows me?
AGNES We're having beef patties. Just how you like them.
CONNOR How'd you even know I'd be here?
AGNES Are you better now?
CONNOR You can see that, Mother.
AGNES I don't understand your spells, dear. I don't ever know what to do.
CONNOR So you hit me.
AGNES What else could I do?!
CONNOR opens the garbage lid and lifts up his notes and folders.
CONNOR They're all covered with breakfast.
AGNES I figured you were done with them.
CONNOR I need my notes to study for the exams, dammit! How could you not know?!
AGNES I'll visit Brother Lucian next week.
CONNOR It's not up to him, Mother.
AGNES He can put in a good word for you with Dr. Kowalczyk.
CONNOR Why does an Irish school have a Polish headmaster? What kind of nonsense is that?!
AGNES It's not an Irish school, Connor. Just Catholic. Irish, Polish ... Everyone.
CONNOR Including me?
AGNES Brother Lucian can put in a good word. Go wash for dinner.
CONNOR I'm not hungry.
AGNES Pretend, dear. Pretend for your poor mother.
A week later. The recent dawn, seen through the window, is the only light in the kitchen, empty until MICHAEL staggers in from the foyer.
MICHAEL Where the hell is everyone?!
MICHAEL drops his lunchbox near the counter. It clatters.
MICHAEL Hey, goddammit!
MICHAEL grabs a beer from the refrigerator. He opens it, takes a deep drink, belches.
MICHAEL Hey, where's that bitch of mine! I'm hungry!
Come and make me some food, bitch! I'm hungry for some breakfast! And some lovin'! Come and see your feckin' husband! I'm ready to eat!
MICHAEL looks suddenly confused and grabs at his chest. He moans and falls to his knees.
MICHAEL Goddammit! What's this?!
MICHAEL slumps to the floor, lying on his back, still clutching his chest and moaning. AGNES enters slowly, looking around, wearing a tattered housecoat, clearly exhausted.
AGNES Michael! Why are you yelling! It's barely–
AGNES sees MICHAEL on the floor next to the table. She switches on the overhead light.
AGNES Michael! What's wrong?! In the name of– What's wrong, Michael?! What's–
MICHAEL (Gasping for air) Ohhh!
AGNES I need to get help! Dear Lord!
MICHAEL Can't ... breathe!
AGNES grabs the phone, dials 911, and stretches the phone cord as close as she can toward MICHAEL.
AGNES (On the phone) Help me! Help me! My husband is in terrible pain! ... His chest! His chest! ... He's 53! No, he's 52 – almost 53! ... 80th Street in Jackson Heights! Avalon Court! ... Yes, right off the Northern Boulevard! Just one door in! The basement! ...
MICHAEL continues moaning.
AGNES (On the phone) He's in terrible pain! Yes, please hurry! /.Lord, help me!
AGNES crosses herself with the phone in her hand. It drops. The stretched cord pulls the phone away from her. She ignores it.
CONNOR peeks into the kitchen, enervated, his arms folded. He is wearing only pajama pants.
CONNOR (Enervated) Mother?
MICHAEL continues moaning.
CONNOR Mother?!
AGNES looks at CONNOR with fear in her eyes.
AGNES Connor! Your father needs help! Go outside and let in the ambulance.
CONNOR Ambulance?
AGNES Go let them in! He's in a terrible way!
CONNOR What's wrong?
AGNES Go let them in! Your stepfather is dying!
CONNOR shuffles slowly to the door and shuffles outside, leaving the door open.
MICHAEL moans.
AGNES I know, Michael! They'll be here soon! Hold on!
Midnight. CONNOR has his arms and head on the kitchen table. He is not asleep, but does not move when AGNES enters from the outside.
CONNOR You could have come home sooner.
AGNES I didn't want to leave until he was resting.
CONNOR You need rest, too.
AGNES What about you?
CONNOR Rested all day.
AGNES Still in your spell, honey?
CONNOR shakes his head slowly.
AGNES I'm home now. You can go get some sleep.
CONNOR I'm not tired, Mother.
AGNES Try, please!
CONNOR shakes his head again, slowly.
AGNES Are you melancholy?
CONNOR Because my stepfather had a heart attack? Or just because?
AGNES You know what I mean.
CONNOR (Slowly, as though he has to recover between each utterance)
Not melancholy ... not tired ... resting.
AGNES Suit yourself. I don't have the energy to argue.
CONNOR Wasn't arguing.
AGNES Why don't you go rest on your bed. I want to go to bed.
AGNES Won't you go, too?
CONNOR I'm. Not. Tired.
AGNES I won't ask you again!
AGNES leaves the table in a huff.
CONNOR Finally.
AGNES spins back toward CONNOR.
AGNES Don't you be rude, my boy!
AGNES storms out toward her bedroom.
Late morning. AGNES has cleaned up after breakfast. On the kitchen table is a cup of tea, which she picks up when she sits down.
CONNOR enters from the bedroom hallway.
AGNES Well, good day.
CONNOR shuffles to the table and sits down.
CONNOR Morning.
AGNES It's half-past ten. It's daytime. I've been awake since before dawn.
CONNOR Earlier.
AGNES Oh, no, Connor, really? You're still in it, aren't you, your spell. Oh, Lord, I can't take another day of this melancholy you! These are the worst. You just give up, and you get so ... so unpleasant.
CONNOR Sorry to inconvenience you, Mother.
AGNES Please stop, Connor! Try to understand what your spells do to me!
CONNOR stares at his mother.
AGNES They outlast my patience! Will you stop it, Connor, for me?
CONNOR I'll go away. I'll do that for you–
CONNOR stands slowly, starts shuffling toward the outside door.
AGNES No, don't you just walk away! I'll worry myself sick over you, if you just walk away.
CONNOR What the hell do you want me to do?!
AGNES I don't know what I want you to do! I just want you to stop, whatever it takes!
CONNOR Should I kill myself?
AGNES Oh, Lord, don't joke!
CONNOR Who's joking? That might be what it takes! What then?
AGNES No, forget I said it!
CONNOR sits back down.
CONNOR It'll be tough to forget "Whatever it takes!"
AGNES I didn't know what else to say! I'm sorry, Connor! Don't punish me this way!
CONNOR (Laughs faintly) Nothing to worry about, Mother. Everything's fine.
Three days later. Early afternoon. The foyer door opens. AGNES helps MICHAEL to the kitchen table, to sit across from CONNOR.
CONNOR (His mouth is full of toast) Oh, shite and onions. Now everybody's home!
CONNOR stands and turns toward his bedroom.
MICHAEL Stand right there!
CONNOR freezes, facing the door.
AGNES Michael, be kind, please!
MICHAEL Your mother tells me you let the ambulance in.
CONNOR looks back at MICHAEL and nods tentatively.
MICHAEL You saved my life, youse two.
CONNOR is stunned, his mouth open.
MICHAEL That's how it works. Family helps family.
MICHAEL (Reluctant) Thank you.
AGNES starts to cry. CONNOR laughs.
CONNOR That's all it takes? A little taste of death and you're all of a sudden civil?
AGNES Connor!
CONNOR I wish I'd known before: You were only a beast because you hadn't almost died yet!
AGNES Sweetheart!
CONNOR I guess I'm glad you almost died, if this is what happens!
AGNES Connor! Stop!
MICHAEL You insolent— Can't just accept my thanks? You have to make everything a mess?!
CONNOR Ah, there we go! The real Michael Patrick Malloy, back in the saddle!
MICHAEL I've had it with you!
AGNES Connor, for the love of–
MICHAEL You no-good little gimp! You're done in my house, you hear me?!–
AGNES –No, Michael, you'll hurt your heart–
MICHAEL I got someplace else for you to go, and I don't care what happens to you there! My boss asked me if you'd want a job keeping up his house and yard! Well, you can go tell him you do want it! You can work for him and live in his shed! Oh, Mr. Kelly's a prick, but you deserve that! And you'll be out from under my roof!
AGNES Apologize, Connor, honey, right away, or I can't help you!
MICHAEL Why would you want to help this sniveling coward?! He's a parasite, Agnes, him and his "spells!" Maybe he can hold this job with Mr. Kelly! Get some respect whipped into him there! He's an embarrassment to the name Malloy!
CONNOR I'm a Minton, dammit!
MICHAEL opens the refrigerator. He slams the door and kicks it.
MICHAEL No feckin' beer!
AGNES Oh, please, Michael ...
CONNOR Don't beg, Mother! He's not worth your breath.
MICHAEL I wash my hands of this runt! You, you best be gone before I get back! Good riddance! I should have done this years ago! (Belly laugh)
MICHAEL glares at Agnes; CONNOR smiles at his mother. MICHAEL storms outside.
AGNES Oh, Connor, did you have to fight him?
CONNOR He's always ready to boil over, Mother. I turned the heat up a bit is all.
AGNES What have you done?!
CONNOR Don't worry about me! I'll find work and I'll save some money and then I'll find my own home and start my own business and I'll make so much money I'll come back and buy Mr. Kelly's factory and your husband can work for me!
CONNOR starts slowly toward the outside door.
AGNES That's ... How will you survive on the road? What will you eat? Where will you sleep?
CONNOR returns to the table and drops into a chair facing AGNES.
CONNOR I'll make plenty of money!
CONNOR reaches across the table and takes his mother's hands.
CONNOR And I'll be independent! What you always wanted!
AGNES But school?
CONNOR In-de-pen-dent! They can have that mess, for all I care! It's not worth it, to suffer through another term — from scratch! With all my notes in the bin!
AGNES I don't know ... Maybe someday you'll be like me ... stuck and you can't get out because you didn't finish school.
CONNOR Nonsense! You can get out of anything! Even Michael, if you want it bad enough!
AGNES Oh, stop, Connor! He's a good man! A good provider! You need to see him in a new way.
CONNOR He's a drunk! (Beat) A beast!
AGNES He's my husband, Connor! He's not half so bad as you think.
CONNOR I'm your son, Mother! The beast chases away your only son – but he's "not half so bad?"
AGNES is silent for a moment, her head down.
AGNES He feeds me, Connor!
CONNOR And what else does he do to you?!
AGNES He shelters me!
CONNOR But what else?! What else does he really do to you?!
AGNES I don't know what you mean ...
CONNOR (Yells, then moans in grief) He rapes you! Ohhh!!
AGNES (Looking away, trembling) What would you know about that, anyway?
CONNOR I'm awake when he gets home. I hear what he does.
AGNES (Starting to cry) That's ... that's none of your business, Connor! He's a caring man, he is!
CONNOR (Quiet, deliberate) About himself, not us! I'm here to keep him pissed off. You're here to keep him in sandwiches and beer ... (Yells) And to let him rape you!!
AGNES tries to slap CONNOR, but he ducks and she slides onto the floor, sobbing.
AGNES Shut up, Connor! You shut up right now! You don't know what you're talking about! I never let him touch me!-
CONNOR –From way back.
AGNES No! It wasn't always like this!
CONNOR stands and backs away from the table. Agnes is sitting once again.
CONNOR Years, Mother! And what about the years to come?
AGNES covers her eyes. Her shoulders shudder with her sobbing.
AGNES Are you still leaving?
AGNES turns to face CONNOR, who nods.
AGNES Maybe you should! Fix all this! You'll be back for visits, won't you? For the love of god, tell me you'll be back!
CONNOR contorts his face.
CONNOR To Michael's house?
AGNES Our house. He'll be different.
CONNOR He doesn't know how.
AGNES He used to be, when you were younger.
CONNOR Before my moods.
AGNES He just doesn't understand them, Connor, dear. None of us understands them.
CONNOR He doesn't try and you just hit me. Yes, I'm still leaving!
AGNES Oh, Lord, Connor, I can't be alone again! That was such a long, long time, until Michael arrived! My heart broke every day, with you so young ... (Sighs deeply) ... and me so old.
CONNOR I'm older, Mother, and it's too late to fix anything — not when you always take his side. You're supposed to take our side, yours and mine! Are you that scared?
AGNES (Desperate) Connor, honestly, you know I love you, and so does he! He just gets angry when things pile up against him, is all! Try to understand.
CONNOR It will be like this from now on.
CONNOR walks slowly to the outside door, where he pauses.
CONNOR I'll hit the road, be on my way.
AGNES Connor, love ... What if your spells come back?!
CONNOR That's not fair!
AGNES I will pray for you, to St. Jude.
CONNOR I'll be better off without your prayers.
AGNES (Deep sigh) Would you really leave me here, Connor? ... On my own? ... All alone?
CONNOR You're already alone, Mother.
AGNES sobs.
CONNOR rushes the table and slams it with his hands, then backs away again, toward the door.
CONNOR How could you not know?! About him?! About you?! How could you just drift through this world letting him tell you what and where?! Goddammit, Mother!!
Beat. AGNES moves closer to CONNOR.
CONNOR He'll be back soon.
AGNES offers CONNOR a hug; he refuses it.
CONNOR I can't stay ... I love you, Mother. Good bye.
CONNOR rushes outdoors, leaving AGNES with her arms outstretched and the door open. The kitchen lights fade and the light from the courtyard window grows to be unnaturally bright.